
Ladies, gents, I’m sure we’ve all been there. You like this person a lot, a lot, and you do everything in your power to grab their attention. You practically flip the world upside down in hopes of them looking your way. And when that door opens, and you become great friends, and you think you’re getting closer to this person, but BAM, they immediately put you in a spot that almost everyone dreads. They put you in the…..friend zone…. Ouch. Talk about your ego getting a good one. 

So naturally, when this happens, girls, we tend to put on this facade, and pretend everything is okay on the outside, but deep down inside, the tears are already flowing like Niagara Falls. And men, I don’t know exactly what you would feel like after being placed in this dire position – I mean, I assume you’d punch a wall or something. Beats me.

But anyways, I’ve been placed in this position before, and I’ve always been so upset, that I don’t think about trying to get out of it. To be honest, I’ve never really thought about it. I’ve been to concerned with wallowing in my own pity that I didn’t do anything to a) get over it, or b) to get out of it. So I googled “how to get out of the friend zone” and I found some tips, but instead of putting what the site suggests, I’m going to try giving my own thoughts on the tips they provide.

The site I choose was on These are their tips:

1. Break the “nice guy” or “sweet girl” stereotype.

Well, isn’t this something new. I remember always being called the “nice girl”, who was always there for everybody. Was that bad? Should I have stopped being the nice girl? Somehow I don’t think that it might have accomplished anything. Besides, I don’t think I’m fit to be a mean girl. It’s just not in my personality. I’ve always wondered if guys were attracted to bad girls. Wiki states that being too nice means you don’t want to to ruin any relationship chances with that certain someone, or you don’t want to pressure them into this relationship. . Since when did this happen? I always thought being nice, was a friendly behavior. I didn’t know it would ruin anything. I guess I’m just too naive.

2. Stop being needy

Stop being needy. Hmmm….. according to Wiki, being needy means the desperation you have to be in a relationship and you feel compelled to rush into the relationship, emotionally and maybe even physically. And to get out of the friend zone you have to stop acting in desperate manners. After all, being desperate is a turn off to most people. I would have to agree with the the wiki website. I can’t help but wonder if I was ever needy whenever I was attracted to anybody. That must have been embarrassing.

3.Think about the difference between a romantic relationship and a friendship relationship

Simplified tip: What are you expecting from the person you are crushing hard core on? Because you can have different ideas about the romantic relationship, compared to the opposite person. Courting methods are entirely different when it comes to men and women, and if you don’t have a grasp about what to expect in that person, you will totally be friend zoned. And, please, please be aware, how your crush perceives relationships. They could totally be attracted to poisonous relationships – ones that break their heart every time. If this is the case, I encourage you to stay away. You may feel like you’re helping by giving advice and all, but believe me, chances are, if they are allured to toxic relationships, they will most likely get into another relationship that ends badly. I agree with Wiki’s tip.

4. Break the touch barrier

Gosh… the touch barrier… a thing some people look forward to, while others cringe at the thought of it. According to Wikihow, breaking the touch barrier will definitely help you get out of the friend zone. Taking risky touches will surely place you from a friendship relationship to a romantic kind. Yeah, yeah, they know you’re trying to not makes things awkward, but honestly, if you want to get the ball rolling, get to touching (in a good way, that is). Unfortunately, I might have to disagree with this tip. Yes, it is good to put yourself out there and be friendly and touchy, but I feel like being too pushy about it might make you look like a creeper. For me, I’d like to take things slow, and deliberately. I don’t want to rush anything.

5. Realize that you’re “tying up” your feelings by staying friends with someone who isn’t romantically interested in you

Wow, this is a hard one. Once you realize that things aren’t going to happen between the two of you, things need to end. You have to let them go. Maybe they just aren’t attracted to you. Yeah, it’s a hard pill to swallow, but wouldn’t you rather be happy and feel relieved or would you want to feel jealous and upset at this person constantly? Just let it go. In my experiences, it was hard to let go. Because there was always that feeling that there was still a chance for “us”. It never came – and let me tell you, if you let that person go and in a weird sort of way, that person started to have feelings for you, do not take this lightly. This could be a result that they are only interested in the chase rather than the person. Be careful.

So yeah, those are my thoughts on this situation. Maybe you have similar views, or have different ones. Friend zone – it can be a bad thing, or in some unrealistic way, it can be good. Surprisingly, the men who friend zoned be proved to me that they weren’t qualified to be in a serious relationship. You may think that being put in this friend zone may make you feel worthless, but maybe, just maybe, it can help you see that you might not be meant for that person, or that they are undeserving. One day, the person who truly deserves you will let you know, and you will most definitely make it known to him or her, and they will be happy to take you up on that offer.

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